ICI recommendations versus what happened

The Inner-city Inclusive Housing Table (ICI) was appointed by the provincial government to make recommendations to all levels of government and VANOC about how to meet the Olympic sustainability commitments. It was made up of business, government and community representatives. The ICI made 23 unanimous recommendations. Four of them and what action has been taken, are listed below:

ICI Recommendation Action
Build 3200 units of housing (800 in each of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) Number of new units in the inner city likely to be completed before the Olympics: 242 (the Lux and Woodwards low income)
Secure 100 units of Olympic Village housing for deep core need; 100 for core need; and 50 for low end of market. Number of units of Olympic Village housing likely to be available for core and deep core need: 0
Eliminate barriers to access social assistance. Action: Barriers still in place.
Increase social assistance by at least 50% and allow earning exemptions. Action: Rates for some increased by a mere $50; no earning exemptions except for people on disability.
Buy 800 units of existing housing Action: Done.